About us
Newcastle SEND IASS provides information, advice and support at any stage of a child or young person’s education.
This is a free, impartial and confidential service.
We provide information, advice and support to
- parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities
- children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities up to the age of 25 years
We specialise in education matters but can support with social care and health issues that impact on the child or young person’s ability to access education.
One of our workers will have an initial conversation with anyone who calls the service and support in meetings will come either from one of the team or from one of the volunteers who work with us. We will attend meetings virtually unless there is a specific need for us to attend in person.
Typically, parents can have their concerns listened to, Special Educational Needs policies and procedures explained to them and be offered practical support to help them in their discussions with schools, the Local Authority and other statutory agencies.
To find out more
You can read our Service Review 2023-2024 or look at some of our case studies.
We can signpost you to other helpful local organisations like PALS, Healthwatch Newcastle , Newcastle Parent Carer Forum , Pass it on Parents Newcastle Facebook page and Welfare Rights Newcastle ; to national organisations such as Contact , the National Autistic Society and the independent provider of special educational advice, IPSEA.
Newcastle Local Offer has information for families with a child or young person with special educational needs or disabilities.
SENDIASS minimum standards
The national minimum standards for SENDIASS were published in September 2018 and detail the requirements that each service has to meet. The standards were drawn up by a group of IASS managers, parents, LA reps and the chair of the IASP board, in consultation with the DfE. They are based on the law, the SEND Code and the IASS Quality Standards (which they now replace). The consultation process received feedback from IAS Services, LA staff, third sector organisations, health services and parents. You can read the minimum standards here:
How to get in touch
You can contact us on 0191 211 6255 from 9am – 5pm
Children and young people can text Jen on 07966 281 162
Or you can email SENDIASSadmin@newcastle.gov.uk
We will usually get back to you that day or the following working day.
Take a look at our service leaflets
Leaflet for parents and carers
Leaflet for children and young people